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Why to invest in the Snow Cave?

  • Still a few SPAs have the Snow Cave not only in Poland but also in the rest of the Europe. So it is worth to invest, to provide clients with new experience and further improve the attractiveness of your offer.
  • Covered with a fine snow dust cabin can be operated throughout the year, and will be regarded as the main attractions of each bathing facility.
  • A visit to the cave is an extraordinary experience for customers. Snow plastered walls, ledges and ceilings provide a lasting impression and will be a nice place to get cooled after a hot sauna.
  • The cave is completely natural and safe. Snow is produced from good clean water, without any chemical additives.
  • A visit to the cave, and its low temperatures have a huge impact on health, especially if you enter the cave directly after the sauna. The thermal shock causes many positive reactions of body including increasing blood flow, reducing muscle tension, increasing immunity, increasing the level of hormones, and speeding up the metabolism. The visit also provides an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the visitor’s body.
  • The Snow Cave is economical and energy efficient, and most importantly, as easy to use as a refrigerator! It is enough to press just one button to produce snow. There is an automatic steering responsible for all - the snow and the right temperature.


43-438 Brenna, ul. Bukowa 57

tel./fax+48 (33) 85 36 776
tel. kom.+48 606 95 90 32

e-mail: biuro@elchlod.pl

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