Your company certainly makes every effort to get customers coming back to you to take the next batch of relaxation and health. We have an additional attraction for them, so that their visit to your center will be even much more enjoyable and memorable. After staying in a hot sauna invite them to the Snow Cave - the true land of snow, which not only cools, but also takes care of their health. A visit to the Snow Cave has a great effect on the body - stimulates, cleanses the respiratory system, restores the level of oxygen in the lungs, increases blood flow, reduces muscle tension, leading to an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, enhances immunity, increases the level of hormones and speed up metabolism. Snow caves are already very popular in the SPA salons all around Europe. Therefore, as the only company in Poland dedicated to the construction of this type of equipment, we recommend you to invest in our Snow Cave! Soon it will become a standard for each SPA. Just like a sauna.
Snow cave, also called a snow chamber, is a special room within the building, after the entrance to which you will feel like a queen ... in the land of snow. Beautiful rock shelves which builds up the cave are covered with white, clean and environmentally friendly snow. Indirect lighting, and windows embedded in the walls of the cave create special atmosphere and a unique feeling of spaciousness. The cool The chill and freshness combined with the almost magic interior evokes a tremendous impression, especially among those who came to the Snow Cave straight from the sauna to get slightly cooled and strengthen their immunity. The snow from the cave is also safe to rub!
More information: snow-cave.pdf
43-438 Brenna, ul. Bukowa 57
tel./fax+48 (33) 85 36 776
tel. kom.+48 606 95 90 32